Our Instruments

Instruments by Category

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Woodwinds Brass Percussion Strings

Note: All instruments are subject to availability

Flute - 

from $25.00/month

The natural (almost spiritual) tone produced by a flute soothes the human heart like no other musical instrument.The flute is played by holding it up high to the right side of your face and blowing a controlled stream of air across and into the mouthpiece. After blowing out it is important to remember to breath back in deeply so that you do not get dizzy!

Clarinet - 

from $25.00/month

The clarinet has enjoyed tremendous popularity over the years because it has a playful tone that many people really enjoy. The clarinet very often plays the lead melody parts in band and orchestral compositions. In fact, because of it's totally fun tone you will often hear the clarinet being played in cartoons. To make a sound you put your mouth around the mouthpiece and blow.

Alto Sax - 

from $50.00/month

The saxophone is a relatively large and heavy instrument that must be held with both hands on the right side of the players body. It is played by blowing air into and across a reeded mouthpiece. The saxophone is one of the very best solo musical instruments and is used in almost all genres of music.

Tenor Saxophone - 

from $70/month

The violin is played by setting the body on your left shoulder and holding the end of its neck with your left hand. Once you secure the violin in place by affectionately pressing your left cheek against it, you can grip the bow with your right hand and fiddle away. The violin is particularly well suited for younger students because it is lightweight and is available in a variety of small sizes.

Trumpet - 

from $30.00/month

The trumpet requires strong lips, takes a good amount of air to blow and demands regular oiling, greasing and cleaning by the player in order to keep it functioning properly. The trumpet is a great instrument to choose for any young person who likes loud and powerful sounds!

Trombone - 

from $30.00/month

The trombone is a BIG instrument that is especially well-suited for children who have full lips, lots of air and long arms! Teachers love it when young students choose the trombone because "low brass" instruments make a school band sound great!

Baritone Horn - 

from $60/month

The violin is played by setting the body on your left shoulder and holding the end of its neck with your left hand. Once you secure the violin in place by affectionately pressing your left cheek against it, you can grip the bow with your right hand and fiddle away. The violin is particularly well suited for younger students because it is lightweight and is available in a variety of small sizes.

Bell Kit - 

from $25.00/month

The violin is played by setting the body on your left shoulder and holding the end of its neck with your left hand. Once you secure the violin in place by affectionately pressing your left cheek against it, you can grip the bow with your right hand and fiddle away. The violin is particularly well suited for younger students because it is lightweight and is available in a variety of small sizes.

Violin - 

from $35/month

The violin is played by setting the body on your left shoulder and holding the end of its neck with your left hand. Once you secure the violin in place by affectionately pressing your left cheek against it, you can grip the bow with your right hand and fiddle away. The violin is particularly well suited for younger students because it is lightweight and is available in a variety of small sizes.

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